遊戲 每週遊戲精選 — Simulation Games 如果你可以成為任何人的話,你想要變成誰呢?什麼樣的職業是你最嚮往的呢?幾十年來,模擬遊戲的發展已經讓全球數億的玩家在遊戲中找尋到自己的答案。模擬遊戲以一種說故事的形式,讓玩家在遊戲中體驗不同的角色或者人格,寫出一篇屬於自己的篇章。對於旁觀者而言,他們可能只會覺得這只是一種扮家家酒…
Game Weekly Project Highlights — Trending Simulation Games If you could be anyone, who would you be? What profession are you most curious about? For decades, many simulation games have answered this…
產品 LOOT 在 LBank 交易所上架 致各位親愛的 Lootizen:我們很興奮能在此宣佈關於 LOOT 的新進展 — LOOT 已在 LBank 交易所的創新區 (Innovation Zone) 上架。
產品 Lootex 每週精選遊戲 — Puzzle Games 研究顯示,遊玩益智遊戲可以訓練一個人的邏輯思考和分析能力,提升大腦僅憑一些圖像或者數據就能推敲出答案或者接近答案的能力。玩家一開始可以從簡單的尋找一些線索做出合理的選擇開始,而這只是解開益智遊戲的眾多方法之一。光這個方法就能夠激發人類大腦中的多巴胺產生,提高人類的注意力改善記憶力…
Game Weekly Project Highlights — Trending Puzzle GameFi Projects Study shows that playing puzzle games can hone a person’s pattern recognition and analytical skills. Improving the brain’s ability to…
遊戲 回歸遊戲本身遊玩性,不一樣的Game-fi — PARALAND 想到 AR (Augmented Reality,擴增實境) 你會想到什麼呢?出現在桌面上的瑪利歐?或是 Instragram 上琳琅滿目的特效濾鏡? AR 技術早已經融入了我們的日常生活中,而這方面最有讓人有感的莫過於「擴增實境遊戲」了。
Game Tokenarium — A P2E Crypto Tycoon Game Have you ever wondered what it would be like to become a project developer? Given how fast paced technological advancement is, many are…
Product $LOOT Token is now on Polygon with the aid of Multichain We have been supporting LOOT on BSC since Feb 10th 2022. We will be extending our LOOT token on Polygon with the aid of Multichain.
Game Weekly Project Highlights — Arbitrum Games (2) Supporting multiple blockchains is no easy task and it can be tedious to spend an adequate amount of time to build it. There are dozens of…
Product LOOT will be listed on XY Finance We are excited to announce that $LOOT will now be listed on XY Finance’s X Swap.
遊戲 Lootex 每週遊戲精選 —Arbitrum Games 要找到一個好的交易平台是很不容易的,且要同時具有便利、快速、低手續費的交易所更是難上加難。區塊鏈的技術確實改變了現今的生活型態,但要真的能讓用戶在元宇宙中享受流暢且平易近人的體驗,交易這個環節應該是要非常便捷且簡單的,Lootex 就是為此而生,近期我們支援了 5…
Game Weekly Project Highlights — Arbitrum Games Finding a good marketplace that empowers efficiency in trading can be daunting. Trading items should be swift and easy hence Lootex…
Product Lootex’s services now support Arbitrum L2s are clearly the future for cheaper and faster transactions inherited from Ethereum’s security. With Arbitrum being the number one L2…
產品 LOOT 質押方案更新 Lootex 走到今天,我們的社群成員功不可沒:感謝強大的社群一路以來的支持,我們一同達成了當初難以想像的里程碑。要成為特定領域的先驅既是成就也是挑戰,Lootex 今後也會繼續努力提供更好的產品及服務。這篇公告將涵蓋兩個部分:
Product LOOT Staking Program Update We have made it this far and we couldn’t have done it without you, our strong community! We have achieved unimaginable milestones and will…
Event Lootex makes headway in the blockchain space, co-curates the first Metaverse Fashion show in Asia TAIPEI, May 12, 2022 — Breaking grounds and settling for nothing more than the best by being the first. Lootex has just made more headway…
藝術 故宮聯名 NFT 第二波上架!看臺灣原創插畫翻玩故宮典藏 故宮典藏文物結合臺灣插畫 IP 的第二波 NFT 即將發售!與文化內容策進院的「臺灣原創圖像授權類國際拓展計畫」獲選 IP 合作,第二波發售共有 7 款國立故宮博物院與臺灣原創插畫聯名 NFT,每款 NFT 發行量僅 1 個,將於 5 月 30 日在 Lootex…
Ecosystem Lootex rejoins forces with National Palace Museum for a second wave of Inspired Chinese Heritage… The second wave of NFTs inspired by the Chinese heritage collections in the National Palace Museum will officially launch its auction on…
遊戲 Lootex 每週精選遊戲 — Move to Earn 你我都知道,在這個世代要讓宅在家的玩家出門吃東西都有點困難了,何況是要他們出門運動?對玩家而言,出門運動所要花費的心理機會成本太高了,但這也造成這些族群有一定程度的健康風險。如今一項新穎的想法出現了,也就是 Move-to-Earn (M2E)…