Connect to Win — Who Will Buff You?
It’s that time of the year again.

It’s that time of the year again.
This coming Christmas, Lootex has prepared 3 special NFT gifts for you. They are super limited that you can’t miss out!
All you have to do is, visit Lootex marketplace and connect your wallet. You will have the chance to win a limited edition NFT gift for free!

Follow the steps:
- Click “Connect Wallet” on the right upper corner.

2. Choose one card. Click “I feel lucky” if you want a random one.

3. Click “Sign” in your wallet provider. (Note: it won’t cost you a penny to sign.) And you will see the NFT you’ll get on Binance Smart Chain after 2021/1/1!

That simple? Yahhh! Because it’s Christmas!🎄🎅
This event is brought to you by Lootex and Binance to celebrate a new partnership on BSC (Binance Smart Chain). Enjoy! We wish you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!Notes:
1. The NFT card will be delievred after 2021/1/1.
2. If there are too many addresses for the same device or IP, it will only be counted as one account.
3. Anyone who conducts dishonest action will be disqualified from the game.
4. Lootex team reserves the right to interpret the event.
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Connect to Win — 誰會守護你?
又到了每年的這個時候,各位幣圈小夥伴們。今年的聖誕節,我們特別為大家準備了三份 NFT 禮物!超級限量,錯過可惜!
只要在 Lootex 拍賣場連結您的錢包登入,您將會有機會贏得一張限量的 NFT 守護神卡牌!

- 按下右上角的 “連結錢包”,請選擇 MetaMask、Fortmatic 或是 Wallet Connect 的方式。

2. 任選一種方式連接完成後,會挑出抽卡牌的畫面如下。選一張和您心電感應的牌,或者按下“請幫我抽選“,由電腦隨機挑選一張。接著將跳出簽名頁面,請求錢包簽名,按下 Sign 後即可完成。(注意:Sign 並不會扣除任何手續費,請放心。)

3. 您會看到眷顧您的守護神,這會是一張在 Binance Smart Chain (BSC) 上的 NFT,請耐心等到 2021/1/1 之後,您就能在有支援 BSC 的錢包中看到囉!

這次的抽獎活動是由 Lootex 和幣安共同舉辦,慶祝在幣安智能鏈 (Binance Smart Chain) 上的新合作。請收下我們的小小心意。

1. NFT 守護神卡牌將於 2021/1/1 之後發送。
2. 如果同樣的 IP 位址和裝置有大量的領取地址會被視為同一個帳號。
3. 如果有任何惡意行為將被取消抽獎資格。
4. 本公司有最終活動解釋權。