Block Monster AMA Recap
If you missed the BlockMonsters AMA, don’t worry! Here is the recap of all the questions and answers.

If you missed the BlockMonsters AMA, don’t worry! Here is the recap of all the questions and answers.
Questions from

Q: Could we close the trainer minting and open it back up like 2500 every month until the metaverse is ready to roll out?
A: We have decided to not close the trainer minting part. The reason why is because every day we are reaching new possible investors and we do want to give them the opportunity to mint a BlockMonsters Trainer.
Q: How does the BlockMonsters team plan to use the 5% royalties fee from peer-to-peer tradings on Lootex?
A: All the received royalties are being used to fund development and marketing. Our main focus is the game and we are trying our best to make the game as good as possible. Since the game is made from scratch and we don’t use any templates it will take a lot of time from our team to build parts of the game.

Q: Will we get sneak peaks soon on the world and its glory?
A: Ah thanks Mr. Vision!
Yes we are working on some in-game sneak peaks regarding the open world! 🤩
Questions from @Jacky#6856

Q: The GameFi market has been under bear market recently, what are your plans to attract another 10K users/players?
A: I think we can conclude that not specifically the GameFi market is having a rough time but the entire crypto scene in general. We are already working on our gameplan to attract new investors and players. We are now updating the Private Beta for V2 and in the meantime we are setting up a huge marketing campaign linked to the P2E launch. This means a lot of influencers on Twitter, Streamers on Twitch, Youtubers and Ads are getting prepared.

Q: There are a lot of Pokemon-like GameFi projects and their games are already live, what are the differences and advantages between BlockMonsters and them?
A: To be honest we haven’t looked at recently launched projects since we got our focus fully on BlockMonsters. But as mentioned from the start, our goal is to let our community and players relive their childhood. This means a gameplay like back in the days which will give you the feeling that you’re going on a trip down memory lane. But if we have to mention an advantage of BlockMonsters, it must be our illustrations and designs for sure. Our illustrator is doing an amazing job on that part.
Question from @HanJi#9093

Q: Will there be a downloadable client such that players can play BlockMonsters directly on their computer rather than on a website?
A: In the beginning the game will only be playable online. But we do have plans to get BlockMonsters downloadable. Next to that our ultimate goal is to make BlockMonsters also playable on iOS and Android. Unfortunately this will take some time before we are there haha!
Question from @高科彭于晏#0008

Q: Will BlockMonsters have a “Move to Earn” system in the future?
A: That’s an amazing question. We haven’t thought about a Move to Earn system to be honest. But it does sound interesting! This might be an interesting feature we can do some extra research on as soon as we’ve launched the game.
Question from @rafa3031#4845

Q: Is the breeding already in development?
A: Breeding isn’t in development. From the start there won’t be a breeding system in BlockMonsters. There will be a total of 150 Blockmons in the first season and most of the time when you’re breeding you are creating a hybrid and this won’t be integrated in the first season of BlockMonsters.
Questions from @Nene #9637

Q: When player got a special trait Blockmons, they can get higher experience or get extra NFT drop?
A: So far there has been 1 special trait which is the “Shiny” version of a Blockmon. These won’t generate extra rewards or receive more experience. But we are looking into an in-game bonus for certain traits.

Q: Will there be any ranking system for trainers?
A: Yes, we are working on a way to integrate a leaderboard into the game. The idea of this leaderboard is to see who has won the most matches. Next to that there will also be in-game events which will include a leaderboard and Top 10 rankings.

Q: Will there be some plans for 3D trainers or Blockmons in the future?
A: I guess these are 3D trainers in the game right? During the start there won’t be especially since we’re focussing on creating a game which will make you relive the childhood memories and the game style was pixelated by then. But who knows. We don’t want to exclude these kind of possibilities.
Questions from @andrpedrozo#6380

Q: Do you intend to make other great partnerships like Lootex and CoolerMaster?
A: We are always open to look at possible partnerships. We are pretty sure that in the near future we will have some meetings for new partnerships.

Q: Is there a possibility of seeing $MNSTRS on CEXs like Binance, and others?”
A: We would love to see $MNSTRS getting listed on an Exchange. Recently we have been focussing on the development of the Private Beta and the BlockMonsters P2E engine so we didn’t have much time left to focus on other activities such as possible listings. Next to that we prefer to get listed on an Exchange such as Huobi, Binance or Crypterium. So the answer is yes, we do believe that it will be possible to see $MNSTRS on an Exchange. It just needs to be the right Exchange. Next to that it can be difficult for a token to get listed if a token is taking fees, but we are willing to have a look at the fees if we get contacted by the right Exchange.
Questions from Alec#5431

Q: When will the “map” go live and will we have major story missions that players need to solve?
A: We don’t have an ETA for when the open world will go live yet. Our first upcoming launch will be the public beta of the Play 2 Earn and if we don’t see any big bugs we will start planning the Play 2 Earn launch. Some of our game developers are already working on the open world where players can actually catch Blockmons while the others are working on the Play 2 Earn part. So unfortunately we can’t give an exact date when the open world will be live. And yes, we want to integrate a storyline in the game.
Question from @Rui#4291
Q: What would be the relevance of getting a Lootex hooded trainer in game? Or for us in general?
A: I like this question a lot because it’s relevant for both Lootex and BlockMonsters. The Lootex Hooded trainer will have utilities both in-game and outside the game. In-Game this trainer will contain his own skin. This means that people can only play with this skin if they actually got the Lootex Trainer selected as their main trainer. And outside the game, if you mint a Lootex Hooded Trainer you will receive an extra AirDrop from Lootex. The Lootex Badge
One other bonus is that every Trainer, including the trainers with a Lootex Hoodie, will automatically participate in our recurring Trainer Exclusive Lucky Draw.

Question from @SOSOS#5151
Q: Have you guys consider gaming guilds for the p2e and gaming community building?
A: We will be integrating a way for our players to team up and play together with other players. We are still working on the exact details so I can’t tell too much about it. But yeah there will be a possibility to build like a guild or team with others and play together. ✨
Question from @KokoRory#3007
Q: When will be the update whitepaper with the update play2earn mechanic tokenomic?
A: This question is actually an accurate one too.
We are working on updating the Whitepaper which will include more about the tokenomics, the economy of $MNSTRS as well as the utility of the Trainers. We are currently slowly releasing more and more information about it. But we are working on a new version of the Whitepaper which we hope to be publish soon. This will contain a lot of new updates and maybe even new Blockmons 👀
Check out BlockMonsters special event:
BlockMonsters Exclusive Lucky Draw
Your BlockMonsters Trainer is your ticket! 🎟
What are the prizes of the Lottery?
1x $500 in $BNB
1x $500 in $MNSTRS
10x Jaguh
1x Shillox
20x $50 in $MNSTRS
You can still mint trainers at:
Draw is February 4th!
That concludes for today’s AMA, thanks everyone!
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